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BITE user profile - rubymq

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Username: rubymq

Age: 40

Sex: ?

Latest comments by rubymq

The Henry VI, Eton

This pub is very close to my house, but after my last experience I will not be returning. I took some friends here, telling them it was a nice place where we could have lunch. The waitress was surly and it got to the point where we were too afraid to ask for anything else from her. I ordered a small orange juice with my lunch, and I got no more than 100 ml of juice in a glass. Noticing that all my friends who had ordered small soft drinks had managed to receive a full half-pint's worth of beverage, I took my drink to the bar to query my drink with the manager. He treated me with total contempt for even wanting to discuss it, explaining that the orange juices come from 'special' small bottles, so there was nothing he could do about it. He said that if I wanted he could fill my glass up with ice so it looked like I had more juice than I really had. I told him that I didn't realise that I couldn't just order a standard juice, and came from a special gourmet bottle, as he was so keen to emphasise, and as I didnt want to pay �1.65 for 100 mls of orange juice I would like to return it and have it removed from the bill. At this he became ruder and ruder, and the surly waitress was also standing beside him scowling at me, as he argued that that was �1.65 that I'd just cost the pub.

I'd noticed the rudeness of the waitress I mentioned before on previous visits to the henry, but had shrugged it off. But after discovering the attitude even the manager has towards customers, I have lost all respect for it.

5 Jan 2009 17:01

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rubymq has been registered on this site since 5th January 2009