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BITE user profile - rrrtwprus

Profile information

Username: rrrtwprus

Age: 58

Sex: ?

Latest comments by rrrtwprus

City Arms, Wells

The other day I came across the �beer in the evening� website and was astonished to see that you had taken the time to respond to my comments. My thoughts were �me thinks you doth protest too much� You really did not have to defend your actions you were doing what you had been trained to do. You have a lot of support and affection from your customers and staff and this is to be applauded, as indeed it was. You came out as �Top Dog� that day so you could have just rested on your laurels and not bothered to reply.

However, I do feel I need to give you some advice - you really must stop listening in on your customers private conversations, to say you can do that because it is your pub comes across as discourteous and immature.

In addition, it can be perceived as very patronising and over familiar to address ones customers as �my love�. But I�m sure you were told that in all that training you received.

Please don�t bother to reply just be satisfied that you won the day and your patrons adore you.

17 Sep 2011 11:53

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rrrtwprus has been registered on this site since 17th September 2011