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BITE user profile - rider

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Username: rider

Age: 58

Sex: ?

Latest comments by rider

The Royal Standard, Ely

Recently taken over (mid-September 2011) by a very enthusiastic couple. Talked with them over a pint of IPA. Massively improved from previous tennants! Matt is a great guy who's passionate about caring for his pub and beer (they actually clean the lines now, unlike the last slob). Jo is a lovely lady who takes care of the cooking. Again, much improved and could be one of the best places for pub food in Ely very shortly.
I was there Friday 23rd Sept 2011 and they had a live act in the pub. The atmosphere was electric with people dancing all over the place, it was a great night out.
Bright start and a bright future I think.

24 Sep 2011 22:37

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rider has been registered on this site since 24th September 2011