BITE user profile - rapier
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Username: rapier
Age: 58
Sex: ?
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rapier has been registered on this site since 30th October 2008
Username: rapier
Age: 58
Sex: ?
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rapier has been registered on this site since 30th October 2008
The Whipping Stocks, Over Peover
The Whipping Stocks is one of those unfortunate Sam Smiths pubs that is subject to the new 'Standard Menu' imposed by the brewery.
The result ?
The food that used to be so enjoyable is now appalling.
The beer's still good, but if (like me) you enjoy eating in pubs, you've now got to give this one a miss.
And the trouble is, the otherwise-excellent Parkgate round the corner has exactly the same centrally-printed standard menu - so that writes that old favourite off the list, too.
Sad. Once-great pubs brought down by unattractive food imposed by an unthinking brewery management. Rating of 2 for the beer, and the landlord.
30 Oct 2008 19:03