BITE user profile - randomdude
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Username: randomdude
Age: 48
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randomdude has been registered on this site since 1st March 2009
The Nuthouse, Eastbourne
this is an awsome pub i love all the guys and gals in there, fair enough i dont drink there all the time but every time i go in there i find all the staff very plesant and the pub is a lovely place to go and it has proper food aswell not some microwaved crap you see in most places.
I am cheesed to see people slagging this place off as its one nice pub to go in and if you love sports then all the better as this place has 4 plasmas if im not mistaken at least and they will put different things on a seperate screen if a customer doesnt wanna watch footy or rugby which is well cool!
i would recommend anyone to go in here and check it out its lovely, fair enough decor is slightly dated but its not a disgusting pub by any means. and they DO have snookers tables btw which anyone is allowed to use, and ive never heard of tennants sleeping on the snooker tables so thats a cheap joke which makes the person who sent it look stupid.
MY RATING 10/10 Cracking place well worth a visit!
3 Mar 2009 21:33