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BITE user profile - pubperson

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Username: pubperson

Age: 50

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Latest comments by pubperson

St George Public House, Swansea

Don't know whats happening with this pub at the mo.

Its changed hands so many times in recent years, with the recent landlords being of pretty low calibre, I don't think there's a place for it any more.

Sadly I don't think there#ll be a pub on this site much longer.

10 Sep 2014 01:18

Westbourne Hotel, Swansea

The beer wall and the table pumps are off because Swansea Council are dragging their feet terribly on granting a licence for them. Its a pity because its a nice, innovative idea which I imagine has cost them a LOT of money. It could work really well if implemented properly, and I think the implementation will be the key in the months after they finally get the licence.

Otherwise, the pub has improved massively in recent years. Whacking up the prices has cleared out the local scummers and the clientele is really quite nice these days. There's a very good choice of ales (and other beers/ciders) all kept well.

The only problem I and others I know have with the Westbourne is the music. The landlord, Mark, whacks the volume up the busier it gets as he says it 'adds atmosphere'. Maybe that's true in a party pub for twentysomethings but in a mostly mature people's pub like this, it just grates on people. The music is fine, its just FAR TOO LOUD far too often.

Good pub overall. Would be an 8, but the horrible music thing unfortunately drops it down to a 7.

10 Sep 2014 01:07

The Brunswick, Swansea

The Brunswick is the best pub in the area for sitting down and having a good chat with friends. The bar people are great and the landlord runs a great pub here.

Only problem is that whilst it promotes itself as an ale pub, the landlord is not particularly interested in ale - he's more concerned with getting frost covered cheap lager pumps than catering to a good proportion of his customers' wishes for good ale kept well. Those kegs behind the bar look quaint but they don't do the job properly - they get nasty in warm weather and run out quick.

Alan, get an arrangement with one of the local breweries to get a good quality real ale in and have it on tap - you won't lose out from doing that. If you get Gower Power you'll rake it in, and you could charge a premium for it as its so good - many many people would buy that at £3.50 a pint. I'm glad to see you've ditched the truly awful Celt beer.

Anyhow, although a good boozer, the indifferent ale has not kept up with the times since my last review, so I'm dropping my review a point to 7. Catch up!

10 Sep 2014 00:47

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pubperson has been registered on this site since 23rd September 2007