BITE user profile - pintoft
Profile information
Username: pintoft
Age: 73
Sex: male
Latest comments by pintoft
Into the stone flagged bar I go,
A friendly smile, a fond "hello",
Fresh foaming pints at bargain prices,
Locals discussing other people's vices,
All year round it's the place to be,
The Ship in the High street in old Ripley,
They smoke and chat outside the pub,
Only one problem - there is no grub.
29 Sep 2011 15:10
Well marley23 'Should be gin and Jags, more old bags with fags.' indeed. G&J clientele are the last thing this pub needs you tosser.
8 Oct 2010 16:25
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pintoft has been registered on this site since 5th January 2007
The Ship, Ripley
Christmas decorations are up and jollity abounds !
14 Dec 2011 13:04