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BITE user profile - pgcad1

Profile information

Username: pgcad1

Age: 54

Sex: male

Latest comments by pgcad1

The Rose and Crown, Ipswich

2nd attempt at this comment! This venue is no longer a gay venue, but it is a Real Ale Pub that welcomes Everybody! Currently selling upto 6 real ales at a time, including regular beers from Ipswich's St Judes Brewery, (served in LINED GLASSES so you get a pint of liquid plus a head), with plans for expansion when business increases. The west side of Ipswich has long awaited a genuine freehouse/free of tie establishment and with support, this excellent pub will thrive. Don't listen to idle chat or FALSE assumptions, go there yourself and make up your own mind.

20 Jun 2007 18:18

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pgcad1 has been registered on this site since 19th June 2007