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BITE user profile - pezco3

Profile information

Username: pezco3

Age: 39

Sex: ?

Latest comments by pezco3

Waterend Barn, St Albans

I wouldnt have had a problem with this place until my best mate treads on a glass left on the floor on friday nite and has a jobsworth midget bruce willis lookalike bouncer telling him to pick the glass up, wen he says its not his the bouncer has none of it and gets in his face until he dus, not wantin to get thrown out by the nothing better to do sad act, he picks it up...... dont go here unless u wanna be pestered for petty stuff like this im sure health and safety would have something to say oubout it

12 Apr 2007 16:36

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pezco3 has been registered on this site since 12th April 2007