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BITE user profile - perfectpike

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Username: perfectpike

Age: 53

Sex: ?

Latest comments by perfectpike

The Grand Central, Manchester

Along with "The Lass" one of my 1st impresions of MAN (will move 2MAN next week from Germany). There was more of a (non-)smoking prob 4me (being a regular chain smoking Kraut) than anything else ;o) Must say I (6ft3) felt safer inside with what someone's apperently labeled "ape-like" than in front of the place (me chain smoking of course) on a SAT night - with the "normal" 9265956 'I-had-25-Bacardi-Breezers-&-therefore-hate-everybody's- guts' passer-bys. Here bouncers of help - who would have thought that?! ;o) The staff/regulars seem to be a very nice folk & have a cool taste of music (as long as UR into metal, of course - please do something about the sound system)... No one looking funnily @people4 looking like just having made it from their aunty's birthday - quite unusual in comparison 2 other places, def a plus. Admittedly quite a "slow show" 4 real ale throats but the pentagram in my Guinness together with full throttle "Bloody Roots" was definitely unbeatable - who needs a "shame rock" (Pun!!! Not anti-Irish!!!) anyway ;o)))

24 Jul 2007 04:57

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perfectpike has been registered on this site since 24th July 2007