BITE user profile - perfectpike
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Username: perfectpike
Age: 53
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perfectpike has been registered on this site since 24th July 2007
The Grand Central, Manchester
Along with "The Lass" one of my 1st impresions of MAN (will move 2MAN next week from Germany). There was more of a (non-)smoking prob 4me (being a regular chain smoking Kraut) than anything else ;o) Must say I (6ft3) felt safer inside with what someone's apperently labeled "ape-like" than in front of the place (me chain smoking of course) on a SAT night - with the "normal" 9265956 'I-had-25-Bacardi-Breezers-&-therefore-hate-everybody's- guts' passer-bys. Here bouncers of help - who would have thought that?! ;o) The staff/regulars seem to be a very nice folk & have a cool taste of music (as long as UR into metal, of course - please do something about the sound system)... No one looking funnily @people4 looking like just having made it from their aunty's birthday - quite unusual in comparison 2 other places, def a plus. Admittedly quite a "slow show" 4 real ale throats but the pentagram in my Guinness together with full throttle "Bloody Roots" was definitely unbeatable - who needs a "shame rock" (Pun!!! Not anti-Irish!!!) anyway ;o)))
24 Jul 2007 04:57