BITE user profile - pegs
Profile information
Username: pegs
Age: 44
Sex: ?
Latest comments by pegs
what has happened to this pub it was going somewhere under blanchfields but the old doom and gloom is back, who is the new land lord no sense of being able to run a pub, i went in on a saturday night and only two other people there, try the golden lion much better people and beer.
1 Apr 2008 11:44
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pegs has been registered on this site since 1st April 2008
Horse and Groom, Rochford
pub of the year dont make me laugh full of people than live in a carvan, is someone from camra geting free beer to make this place the best pub in SEE or do they not get about much, better of in the golden lion in fact better of staying in.
10 Jun 2009 14:12