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BITE user profile - paulskinback

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Username: paulskinback

Age: 57

Sex: ?

Latest comments by paulskinback

The Beagle, Ipswich

Two colleagues and I had been on one of our sites in Ipswich,(nearly froze our tits off), and found this charming looking old pub, having followed the signs,'TO THE BEAGLE', and looked forward to a couple of pints and a sandwich or something.
Firstly we were aggressively asked 'where are you sitting' ( the pub was empty ), and we said we would like to sit next to the lovely fire and have a sandwich ' you can't sit there and eat,- you can only have a sandwich - it's not allowed ' 'OK', said I, 'my friend here would like a steak or something' - 'it's not allowed, the SPOONS are not the right colour' (can you believe this - she meant that we had to sit around the other side of the pub, even though it was empty as I said - it turns out 'the spoons' relate to certain areas of the pub, where you can ONLY EAT CERTAIN TYPES OF FOOD!!. Second woman turned up, we asked for a sandwich menu - she gave us the hot food menu - we then tried to order sandwiches - 'it's not allowed' (despite what the first woman said!'
We ordered another drink -'can I use the same glass' said my chum ' no, it's not allowed' - and so on and on and on (for example, I gave them my card to 'put behind the bar' (normal practise), and she wanted me to sign it off straight away - ' you need to sign if you are going to move from here to another 'spoon''- can you believe this ??- the upshot of all this is that if I were you, I WOULD AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COSTS - THE STAFF ARE AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE, RUDE, ABRUPT, IGNORANT, JOBWORTHS!!

Cheers and hope you have a nicer experience than we did in Ipswich - (don't go to this one though !!)



29 Nov 2005 20:24

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paulskinback has been registered on this site since 29th November 2005