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BITE user profile - parlhamster

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Username: parlhamster

Age: 59

Sex: ?

Latest comments by parlhamster

The Horseshoe Inn, London Bridge

The Horseshoe is not a pub you are going to come across accidentally but it's well worth a visit if you like good company. There is not a great range os real ales but what is on is kept well. The Horseshoe certainly make an effort with the food bringing it above the norm, especially from the chalk board.
The main bar can be a bit loud with the music and rather primitive and surly looking football fans, it's a bit too smokey for me as well. The best feature of the pub is the side room. On the second and fourth Saturday of the month a group of friends meet here to discuss all things Si-Fi. Even if you are not a disciple of the genre you will never find a more friendly and outgoing group of people. By popular consent they have made the area smoke free on the days they are there and the music is turned off in the area as well! Making it possible to actually have a conversation in a pleasant environment. If you are lucky you will even be able to watch Dr Who in the pub! Makes a nice change from the usual diet of sport. How refreshing to see a pub catering to the wishes of it's drinkers.

27 May 2006 07:59

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parlhamster has been registered on this site since 27th May 2006