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BITE user profile - parksidepete

Profile information

Username: parksidepete

Age: 66

Sex: male

Latest comments by parksidepete

Casino Red - Ruby Lounge, Huddersfield

And what's the one thing they don't mention? Oh yes. Beer.

11 May 2009 09:26

Silent Woman, Slaithwaite

I visited this pub once. Unless something drastic happens, I don't think I'll be visiting it again! When you first walk in it's a bit like The Slaughtered Lamb at the start of American Werewolf In London, people staring at you for daring to come into "their" pub, and you're half expecting Duelling Banjos to start playing.

In short, keep on walking.

13 Apr 2009 18:52

Swan, Slaithwaite

Landlord and landlady Jonny and Tricia are also going to be running another pub in the village, the Commercial, later on this year. We're being promised seven different cask ales, so it all sounds very good indeed. There's hope yet.

Can't rate the Commercial because this site doesn't allow negative ratings, but I'll repeat my 8 out of 10 for the Swan and hope that the Commercial can soon rise to the same standard.

13 Apr 2009 18:47

See all comments by parksidepete

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parksidepete has been registered on this site since 5th April 2009