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BITE user profile - oohlala

Profile information

Username: oohlala

Age: 42

Sex: ?

Latest comments by oohlala

The Black Horse, Wembley

what the hell has happenned to this pub?! where have all the english staff gone?!! its full of poles now! I only went there to have a laugh with the barladies, went in there a while ago to find out the petite blonde has left!! and then the brunette left not long after! Im not suprised they left with a manager like that flagpole! he knows sod all about anything,not only do you have to listen to his fake polite attitude but you have to endure his girlfriend/wifes cackle!
Im just waiting for the chubby polish know..the one with the rotten teeth,bad hair and spotty face to leave. You would think someone that works in the kitchen also would look a bit more hygenic!
This pub has gone downhill bigtime! you cant even get a drink without having to repeat yourself 8times.

BRING BACK THE OLD AND GOOD LOOKING STAFF!! the rest of them look like they want to kill you. The staff are moody and rude and think its fine to speak polish behind the bar...last time i checked we were in England. Poor show manager.

15 Jul 2008 00:32

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oohlala has been registered on this site since 15th July 2008