BITE user profile - oldalresfordguy
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Username: oldalresfordguy
Age: 77
Sex: ?
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oldalresfordguy has been registered on this site since 28th August 2009
The Horse and Groom, Alresford
As an older member of the town who has been using the pub for many years I would like to put a few things straight about the place. Good Pub, Good Beer, Good Food, Polite Staff and best of all I don't feel out of place. The pub is used by vastly differing age groups ranging from 18 to 80 and beyond and not once have I ever felt threatened. The management recently employed the use of Doormen as I believe there was what could be described as a minor scuffle. Well that was wrong wasn't it. The pub haters brigade (normally the ones who buy a house next to a pub) felt it brought the image of the town into disrepute. So they're damned if they do and they're damned if they dont. I know some locals who have complained about the noise outside of the pub in the evenings. It wasn't the pub who made them smoke outside, was it? Yes they make mistakes, they are human and they cannot please all the people all the time but in general the current owners and management are in my view doing a bloody good job. It is a place I would recommend and will continue using the pub as I am at the moment.
28 Aug 2009 15:27