BITE user profile - mylesgilbert
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Username: mylesgilbert
Age: 54
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mylesgilbert has been registered on this site since 24th July 2009
The Squirrel at Hurtmore, Hurtmore
I'm really sorry but the gentleman who has posted such a terrible review obviously has some alterior motive.
we have taken a closed rundown pub and transformed it into somewhere were, within a week, we are serving over 100 satisfied customers a day.
We have in our first week served over 800 diners and have had some constructive comments back which we encourage by offering comment cards on each table. We served over 200 free meals whilst training the staff and getting the food offering to a high level. To date I have not had anything but encouraging comments everyday. Yes we have taken elements of The Albany and The Farriers, why wouldn't we, they were run down pubs that are now glowing award winning successes.
Half of our main courses are below �10, and our drinks mirror the prices charged in most pubs in the area.
I find it incredible in a time when 7 pubs a day are closing that someone could be so small minded as to not give a one week old business a good chance, especially as its his local! well done.... I notice that his comments on The Squirrel in its last incarnation were equally non constructive.
I am and always will be more than happy to discuss any concerns a customer may have, we pride ourselves on being a small independent local business where you can always find a partner to chat with.
Oh and thankyou to the hundreds of other people who have made the opening of The Squirrel the best success for us to date...
24 Jul 2009 11:19