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BITE user profile - mycetes

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Username: mycetes

Age: 77

Sex: ?

Latest comments by mycetes

The Cross Keys, Chelsea

What are pubs? Pubs are public houses which one is supposed to be able to enter without let or hindrance if one's aim is to ehjoy a drink in relative peace.

I walked out of this one. I do not want some individual trying to show me to a table, nor if I do not want to have a meal to a table he wishes to allocate to me, and then offer to serve me a drink at that table. The custom in Britain is to go up to the bar and be able to order one's own drink there and then take it to a vacant table. No tips involve, no begging for a gratuity.

10 Jun 2018 16:06

Spaniards Inn, Hampstead Heath

End Nov 2016 Saturday Afternoon: No room at the Inn. The Spaniards' has become a Yuppy Grubby Pub for Merchant Bankers. No table to sit at the place is a restaurant with a bar attached, with nowhere to sit, empty tables have a "Reserved" sign displayed. BAH!

Comfort = Zero : Overflowing with too many people
Prices high:= £8.15p for 1pt of London Pride + Half of JBV + packet crisps (Tyrells).

No visible price list anywhere.

26 Nov 2016 16:11

The Bull's Head, Barnes

I would have given this pub more if the barman wasn't so arrogant.

I asked if the pub had a pricelist of the beers it had on sale.

They did not. Automatic loss of 2 points in my book.

Ordinary Youngs bitter = £4.05p for a pint. That's pricey in my estimation. I need a price list in those circumstances.

Barman said they didn't have as they had only just raised their prices. Asked when I was told a week before. In that case they have have had ample to write one out.

I was not given a receipt for my purchase of my beer. That's another point off their score.

Arrogance = the loss of another point.

Cr@p muzak blasting away = another point gone.

3 May 2016 17:39

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mycetes has been registered on this site since 18th May 2008