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BITE user profile - mouldylocks

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Username: mouldylocks

Age: 58

Sex: ?

Latest comments by mouldylocks

College Arms, Walthamstow

I like this pub. It's friendly, there's never any trouble, and women can drink there without any grief.
If you are a bigot, you may not like it so much, because everyone is welcome and treated well, regardless.
I know real ales don't keep well, so you need a few regular real ale customers to stock it.
Personally, I'm glad they don't - the one on here sounds miserable as sin, and I'd hate to drink in his company. He wouldn't fit in at all.
BTW, the 'short measure' allegation shows who's the moron. If true, report it - it's illegal!

11 Aug 2010 03:11

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mouldylocks has been registered on this site since 11th August 2010