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BITE user profile - mojomar

Profile information

Username: mojomar

Age: 71

Sex: male

Latest comments by mojomar

The Duke Of Wellington, Marylebone

I've been a 'regular' at the Duke of Wellington for 20 years, even though I live in California. In my very humble, but well-experienced opinion, this might be the best pub in London. It's gone through various hands over the years but governors and the staff have always been exemplarary. The outdoors seating, weather permitting, are lovely, with a quiet view of an ever-changing pleasant street scene.

While I want to recommend this pub whole-heartedly, I'd like to think that it should retain it's laid-back unassuming atmosphere. Nevermind that I saw Wendy Richard enjoying a libation there.

25 Mar 2005 05:20

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mojomar has been registered on this site since 17th February 2005