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BITE user profile - mobspirit

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Username: mobspirit

Age: 42

Sex: ?

Latest comments by mobspirit

The Parchment Makers, Havant

Despite previous reviews creating a rather negative description of this pub, I have found that over the past two years there have been ernomous improvements and have no complaints what so ever!
The staff are all very friendly and welcoming, providing fast and efficient service with both food and beverages.
Characters found within the pub are what is to be expected from any fairly large town and I can honestly say I have met people from all walks of life in the Parchmant makers and am yet to have had a negative encounter.
I think previous comments have shown a discinct lack of understanding when it comes to what to expect from inner city and central town pubs and bars. I get from the Parchment makers what I personally expect; that is very reasonably priced food and drink, warm and friendly service from staff who always remember who I am, and the usual banter from punters who may have had one too many on a friday night (as you get everywhere!).

8 Apr 2008 20:49

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mobspirit has been registered on this site since 8th April 2008