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BITE user profile - mmmbop

Profile information

Username: mmmbop

Age: 37

Sex: ?

Latest comments by mmmbop

O'Neills, Bournemouth

I think that the overwhelming support to these negative comments has more to do with peoples love for the pub and less to do with a publicity stunt. For people to take the time to register and show there support for their local speaks volumes. O'Neills has been mine and my friends local since we started university 2 and a half years ago. The O'neills burger has well and truly sorted us out of a hungover afternoon and the live music and open mic night gives everyone an opportunity to express themselves. And as you all seem to love expressing yourselves maybe you should give open mic night ago. Keep on doing what your doing o'Neills. God bless xx

8 Dec 2008 19:32

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mmmbop has been registered on this site since 8th December 2008