The Cross Keys in skipton just changed hands before Christmas and the new LANDLADY is Caroline Wooler a local person, who is a friendly warm person and welcomes everyone, she is currently redecorating the pool room and it is looking really smart and bright, it wont be long before the rest of the pub looks as smart, there is a wide screen tv for sporting events, and you can have a bar meal if you want, there is also a very nice function room for parties and special occasions, and on Thursday its quiz night, Friday is live music night. all in all a nice place to visit
17 Feb 2007 10:10
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The Cross Keys Inn, Skipton
The Cross Keys in skipton just changed hands before Christmas and the new LANDLADY is Caroline Wooler a local person, who is a friendly warm person and welcomes everyone, she is currently redecorating the pool room and it is looking really smart and bright, it wont be long before the rest of the pub looks as smart, there is a wide screen tv for sporting events, and you can have a bar meal if you want, there is also a very nice function room for parties and special occasions, and on Thursday its quiz night, Friday is live music night. all in all a nice place to visit
17 Feb 2007 10:10