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BITE user profile - margaret13

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Username: margaret13

Age: 37

Sex: ?

Latest comments by margaret13

The Walkabout, Portsmouth

i must say the brown haired doorwomen that stands on the door and calls everybloke 'darling' is the most rude and full of herself person i have ever met. she grabs your arm if you forget to pay and if she is challenged by someone she starts crying. i saw her get bottled in there a week or so ago and even her colleagues were laughing at her and the way she was acting i mean come on its their job to make sure that kinda thing dosent happen.
there is a small but stocky guy in there and i dont understand why he is a doorsupervisor he does nothing, just stands there trying to pounce on all the drunked girls. another door steward thinks hes rambo in there but i swear hes not even 20 yet walks around with his arms bent and tensed all the time hes got a baby face (got and have your first shave).
mind you there are some very good doorstaff there, a very tall muscley black bloke was in there this weekend and he was very polite and helpful to me. and i even saw him help his colleague out.
his colleague was a big muscley guy too watched him try to ask a guy to leave the guy ignored him so he grabbed him which i dont blame him doing. do not read the other reports as it will give you a bad impression of the venue there is some bad staf there but the good ones are the ones that make me go back.

13 May 2008 02:12

The Walkabout, Portsmouth

i have been going to this pub for 6 years now and i must say its one of the most nicest and friendliest of places down the filth of guildhall walk, i broke my foot and the blonde door steward helped me in the venue and even helped me sit down.
i had to show my id which i was a bit concerned about but when the guy who was standing in the road explained to me why i agreed and thought it was a excellent way to keep people safe knowing that if something happens to you the paramedics have your details on your id.
there was a few fights in the club but i witnessed the doorstaff talking to a gentleman for around 5 mins and eventually they restrained him and ejected him which i thought was very good and professional i feel very safe when i go in the pub and id just like to let people know this is a excellent pub dont mock it till you have been there.

11 May 2008 17:00

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margaret13 has been registered on this site since 11th May 2008