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BITE user profile - laurajane

Profile information

Username: laurajane

Age: 40

Sex: ?

Latest comments by laurajane

Weavers Bar, Barnet

This pub has gone down in our estimations quite a lot of late!

19 Jun 2010 18:27

The Finchley Tavern, North Finchley

The Best Pub in Finchley by far, and has been for ages!

19 Jun 2010 18:23

Weavers Bar, Barnet

My mum, dad, fiancee and myself all go to this pub now and then. We are all from Whetstone. The pub has a great atmosphere, the staff and managers are all lovely. We were there last St Paddys day and it was brilliant. The thai food is gorgeous. There is never any trouble there. We have been going there for a very long time, and know the well established managers. We have met quite a few other irish people there.

10 Jan 2010 15:58

See all comments by laurajane

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laurajane has been registered on this site since 10th January 2010