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BITE user profile - laidhome

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Username: laidhome

Age: 62

Sex: ?

Latest comments by laidhome

The Woodman, Highgate

I liked this Pub, especially for food and its handy to pop into on the way home from work.

This weekend we took my partners parents and had a couple of drinks and some food - lovely. Then it all went horribly wrong, when I went to pay I knew something was afoot when I was asked to pick my credit card from a book containing all cards of customers that had set up a tab!

My bill was around half what I expected it to be so I did the honourable thing and said so, big mistake. I spent the next 15 minutes being humiliated at the very busy bar. My �complaint� was viewed with deep suspicion; I was passed to very grumpy, rude busy women who prepared four drinks orders for others while I was left standing at the bar. She spoke to the staff about me as if I was not there, �did you serve her, what did she have etc�.

My mother in law is disabled and a wheelchair user, we had carefully selected the table beside the disabled toilets, I asked four times for this key but by now I had been deemed the �trouble maker� and all my requests were ignored. Not even the sight of her hobbling at crawl speed to the main toilets with a stick prompted any action.

I am a forgiving sort but this is unacceptable, when someone is telling you have not charged them for everything they had and that they would like to pay �55 not �31 you should have the common decency to treat them with grateful Thanks.

14 Apr 2008 10:01

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laidhome has been registered on this site since 14th April 2008