BITE user profile - jogillies
Profile information
have travelled to york and the surrounding areas for over 20 years and never found an other place like it,even going abroad cant compare to york ,although i do go abroad occasionally.
Username: jogillies
Age: 69
Sex: male
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jogillies has been registered on this site since 14th July 2010
The Roman Bath, York
having been around york as a tourist for many years i have always gone into the roman bar during the day for a meal with my partner and always found the staff very pleasant and the drinkers very easy going,that is between the hours of 1 oclock and 5 o clock.but last week i went to york with 3 guys from work for the racing having travelled from glasgow the previous day they asked me to give them a tour of the precinct in york,our ages varied from 39,42, 51 and 55,i took them to the roman bar(friday 9th july 2010)i could not have done any better than this if i tried the bar war was jumping and the music by DSQ was the best band we had heard for years,the locals were chatty interacted with us on a drinking spree,my mates could not believe how lively our race weekend had become, we will be back next year without adoubt welldone to all at the roman bar,joe.
14 Jul 2010 19:45