BITE user profile - joe_fae_glasgow
Profile information
name is joe i moved down too southampton in january well moved too lymington outside southampton was cool down there loved living there loved the place a lot. loved going along too the musketeer for few pints enjoyed the company within there the locals were good too get along with up for a laugh at all times the locals were thanks for the good time s in the musky Carol and family !
Username: joe_fae_glasgow
Age: 47
Sex: male
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joe_fae_glasgow has been registered on this site since 24th October 2008
The Musketeer, Pennington
would recommend the musketeer well and truly lovely pub friendly staff and friendly locals drink there a true working mans pub would like too thank carol and family and all staff at the musky for good times when i was living donw there hoepfully they will happy too see me face on chrsitmas time in pennington all who knew me there. be down for crimbo ! hopefully doing little dj actions in the musky playing some tunes getting the whole of pennington bouncing glasgow style ! see yopus in december staff at musky and the great punters in there also <3
24 Oct 2008 11:33