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BITE user profile - janinemariap

Profile information

Username: janinemariap

Age: 52

Sex: ?

Latest comments by janinemariap

O'Connells Bar, Chatham

i am a friend of the new manager and really look forward to visiting him this weekend. He's a good guy and has lots of amazing ideas, he's also approachable and wont tolerate troublemakers. I cant wait to see all his ideas unfold!. real ale is something he wants to do!!!.
I am glad he's barred trouble makers, hopefully in time the pub will attract a wide selection of decent law abiding people,who want to enjoy a drink without hoodlums spoiling it for everyone. Watch this space!!!
He also has had encouragement and support from several locals which he really appreciates, he speaks of them very highly.

23 Feb 2011 12:19

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janinemariap has been registered on this site since 23rd February 2011