BITE user profile - jamesbaines
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Username: jamesbaines
Age: 51
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jamesbaines has been registered on this site since 28th October 2006
The Library, Islington
Ha ha, good to hear a bit of criticism, seems that the previous comment has been a bit defensive mr. anonymous (a.k.a mr. friend of the manager)!
Tory House means its music for people with conservative tastes, you know: stick to what they know. Anyway, nowt wrong with that, everywhere else on Upper Street plays vinyl of dolphins having sex with roadworks. If you like 'Socialist House' dross like our resident music expert Dafinki then stay at home and dance around your alarm clock.
I walk past this place every day coming home from work and I never go in. However on Tuesday a 'Wine Tasting' sign caught my eye. I don't like wine, but who is going to turn it down when it is free? The staff inside were very friendly and it was FULL of beautiful girls. A couple of friends joined me in time for the quiz. Dafinki, you would have loved it, it was a Britpop quiz!... I kid you not...
Whatever anyone says about this place it is probably the nicest pub on Upper Street, plenty of room and very friendly. I am wary of whether it is usually this good, it seems far quieter when I walk past it.
I wouldn't agree with music-cum-interior-design expert Lawrence Llewelyn-Dafinki's opinion that 'they' don't have the panache to pull off the design... This place has more than a touch of class about it, very well decorated but hey..... if like Dafinki, you like your pubs to have 'Take me to your dealer' posters on the walls and lumps of sick in the corner; then maybe you won't like what the cedar room have done.
28 Oct 2006 14:25