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BITE user profile - i_love_beaver

Profile information

Username: i_love_beaver

Age: 46

Sex: ?

Latest comments by i_love_beaver

O'Neills, Bournemouth

You just can't go wrong with an O'Niels, and this one is no exception!
Great lively place, nice bar staff always up for the crack, not one of those poncy wine bars we see all too often p[opping up in old Banks on the highstreet!

Some of the reviews on this site just don't seem to make sense, as if they have never been there actually! Maybe they are just Bankers down from the city at weekends expecting the same wine bar tat they have in the big smoke.

Keep up the good work O'Neils, Merry Christmas!!!!

9 Dec 2008 10:16

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i_love_beaver has been registered on this site since 9th December 2008