BITE user profile - hutch
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Username: hutch
Age: 50
Sex: ?
Latest comments by hutch
The Swordsman Inn, Stamford Bridge
I think you'll find that it is called the Kit Kat Crescent, not stadium. anyway it's better than being called the KFC stadium! how can they be sponsered by a chicken product when there is a distinct aroma of fish around the place! But on a positive note the beer just gets better in the swordsman. Shame about the telly though!
6 Feb 2005 09:34
The Swordsman Inn, Stamford Bridge
The art of using both feet equally is known as "equipedal". The beer just gets better!
22 Jan 2005 09:04
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hutch has been registered on this site since 15th November 2004
The Bay Horse, Stamford Bridge
strange goings on at the bay last friday night. an old dwarf like statue figure was seen floating around the pub before disapearing right out of the back door. Any witnesses would be appreciated.
the beers not bad though.
26 Feb 2005 12:20