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BITE user profile - horacebat

Profile information

Not too much of an old codger who likes a Pie and a Pint!

Username: horacebat

Age: 55

Sex: male

Latest comments by horacebat


This place has changed beyond all belief for the better! When we moved to the area 5 years ago the place was a local with no real beer, and then it had a new owner, which looked promising at first. then came the big screen telly!, which was terribly dull!!

We've been back to the pub now 3 times in the last couple of weeks, and although a little costly, the quality of the food and beer was excellent, as is there attention to detail. I'd really recommend you give it a try and make your own mind up!

5 Nov 2008 11:48

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horacebat has been registered on this site since 24th January 2008