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BITE user profile - gutbuster

Profile information

Username: gutbuster

Age: 49

Sex: male

Latest comments by gutbuster

The Telegraph , Putney Heath

Cracking pub- reassuringly expensive is what runs through my mind. It keeps the unwanteds out and the quality high. If the service and the end product was crap the place would be empty! Keep it up lovelies!!

17 Sep 2008 10:34

The Red Lion, Hunningham

The Red Lion was flooded on July 21st 2007 and was closed for some months. It has now re opened no longer a managed house and with quite a refit. Gone is the carvery and food is locally sourced and cooked from fresh. The climbing frame has also gone and young children are allowed only until 7pm

11 Dec 2007 22:38

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gutbuster has been registered on this site since 1st March 2007