BITE user profile - georgelowe89
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Username: georgelowe89
Age: 35
Sex: ?
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georgelowe89 has been registered on this site since 23rd January 2011
The Plough Inn, Taunton
Dr_Pangloss, you described the place 'Grubby, suited to the people that drink there'
but you have been drinking there for over 2 years according to your regular updates mate?! You made your point, you dont like it. Most people stop drinking somewhere if they dislike it, unless of course, as a result of their constant moaning and mean-spiritedness, they've been booted out of every other pub in Taunton? Probably...
I worked there for just under a year and have nothing but respect for this pub. As did the vast majority of the customers.
23 Jan 2011 16:30