BITE user profile - george_pool
Profile information
I am a Dutch guy, lived in Canada for a long time, and here in London to make music, and have a good time!
Username: george_pool
Age: 48
Sex: male
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george_pool has been registered on this site since 9th January 2006
The Maple Leaf, Covent Garden
Being originally from Holland, but having lived in Canada for a long time, and most of my friends now considering me 'Canadianized', I was probably the closest to a Canadian in The Maple Leaf. Where do you all hang out? Apart from that, it was a nice bar, but to say it was something special... probably not. I guess it is about your average English 'pub', with the only difference being the Toronto Maple Leaf shirts & bats on the walls.
9 Jan 2006 15:08