BITE user profile - ftheron
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Username: ftheron
Age: 53
Sex: ?
Latest comments by ftheron
The Crooked Billet, Wimbledon Common
This must be the worst service I have received from a bar tender in London. As an extremely "good family" pub I think that the food rates with some of the worst I have had. Served late (or not at all for which we did get a refund ... thanks) the bar tender serving us were impolite and extreme arrogant. On pointing out that a glass was broken we were told that it was kept for "the customers he did not like". Upon asking for the white wine that was available his response was "I will see what is available". I have asked for the bar tenders name but he was more than willing to provide the details of the owners than reveal his own identity. Hopefully the owners read this and make a long term decision that is in the interest of a pub that I have always felt was something special. And to the bar tender �I am not your mate�!.
2 Nov 2008 14:35
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ftheron has been registered on this site since 2nd November 2008
The Crooked Billet, Wimbledon Common
Apologies and only NOW reading the previous comments. Fully agree ... overrated by miles!
2 Nov 2008 14:37