BITE user profile - fluffybunny
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Username: fluffybunny
Age: 71
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fluffybunny has been registered on this site since 16th March 2007
The First And Last, Sennen
As a local of this pub I would like to comment, particularly with regard to Henny�s comments. The First & Last Inn has definitely had its fair share of managers, due in the main to the owners� lack of interest in its well-being. It now has excellent management who are always cheerful, welcoming and caring. The pub is warm again, its log fires lit and the atmosphere has returned to what was becoming a rather cold unfriendly place. You will not be on your own in winter in this pub as we locals frequent it right through the year, and contrary to Henny�s comments, all the locals do not congregate down The Old Success, an old Inn that in my opinion is soul-less (not to mention the fact that it is situated right at the bottom of a very steep hill � very nice on a winter�s evening when its chucking it down with rain). Certain locals drink down the Old Success, but it has come to my notice that of late, they too are moving back up to the First & Last Inn. So all in all, come and pay us a visit. You won�t be disappointed. Our new management will do their best to make your visit a pleasant one and believe me � they are here to stay!
16 Mar 2007 12:33