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BITE user profile - expattourist

Profile information

Username: expattourist

Age: 71

Sex: ?

Latest comments by expattourist

Deacon Brodies, Edinburgh

Returned to Edinburgh and took a group of friends for lunch in October 2009. After a lengthy wait, which is to be expected, we enjoyed a very nice meal. The young staff were friendly and reasonably attentive. The only thing that marred the experience was the surly barmaid. When I asked the waitress for the bill, the barmaid snapped at me that she was busy and I would just have to wait. Apart from the fact that I had actually been talking to the waitress, if it is the barmaids responsibility to issue bills, then a simple "Be with you in a minute" would be acceptable

28 Oct 2009 09:47

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expattourist has been registered on this site since 28th October 2009