BITE user profile - dross
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Username: dross
Age: 46
Sex: ?
Latest comments by dross
The Marquis of Granby, Covent Garden
When Nicholsons took over this pub, they put in brighter fittings, spot-lighting, colourful menus and posters, and generally made the place much brighter and smarter. And guess what? They completely ruined the character of the place. Now it just looks like a very small Pitcher & Piano. The beer selection has worsened, along with the quality, and the staff seem particularly uneducated, even by West End standards. Maybe this will make the place more attractive to the giggly girls who normally go the Pitcher down the road, but this pub was always busy and they've alienated a lot of their former customers. But they still serve Landlord, so not all is lost.
8 Dec 2004 12:00
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dross has been registered on this site since 8th December 2004
The Holly Bush, Hampstead
Great pub; lovely front rooms, back rooms not quite as characterful. Serves the excellent Harveys Best Bitter amongst others.
4 Jan 2007 19:36