BITE user profile - dickphilpot
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Singer songwriter.
Username: dickphilpot
Age: 67
Sex: male
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dickphilpot has been registered on this site since 30th September 2006
The Nelson Arms, South Wimbledon/Colliers Wood
Last night the Nelson hosted a night of music with all door receipts and raffle proceeds going to Cancer Research. Well over 120 people turned up to see 4 acts (including myself, Cradle, Aylsa, SW20) take a turn on the stage. The night was the idea of a young band called SW20 (check'em out on myspace. The gig was a resounding success - the music rocked - the audience danced, clapped and sang along - in fact the walls of the old place trembled with the good vibes. While last night's gig was a bit of a one off - music continues to be a regular feature at the Nelson. If you missed last night and want to join in pop along on Thursday to the Open Mic night. Also at other times it can be a good place to just chill out.
30 Sep 2006 13:26