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BITE user profile - dadsdrinkingdiary

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Username: dadsdrinkingdiary

Age: 58

Sex: ?

Latest comments by dadsdrinkingdiary

The Rising Sun, Epsom

Excellent pub. Like a lot of locals, we (group of local Dads escaping the rigours of childcare!) were concerned about Youngs' takeover of the Rising Sun, and a feeling that they could very easily destroy the character, intimacy and orignality of the old pub. But I am pleased to say that they haven't. We dropped in on the pub a couple of Friday's ago, and the atmosphere was buzzing. It was standing room only, and still smoke free (which is great). The atmosphere was convivial and very Christmassy, and they were clearly doing a roaring trade. The Youngs beer was good (and normally I am not a big fan of Youngs beer), and the bar staff were really friendly and chatty. We didn't eat, but the food looked original and interesting, although seemed to take a long time to arrive for one of the tables close to our hover point. But then it always took a long time to arrive before the refurbishment so no real change. I would have no hesitation in recommending this pub to others, and will still see it as one of the best in Epsom. So well done to Youngs. So far so good.

18 Dec 2006 17:31

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dadsdrinkingdiary has been registered on this site since 18th December 2006