BITE user profile - coupleofpublovers
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Username: coupleofpublovers
Age: 44
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coupleofpublovers has been registered on this site since 27th November 2009
Alma Inn, Thornhill
where do i start with the alma. i have been going in there for 4 yrs now. bringing custom from my family and friends to them with partys and general nights out.
we had a party there, spend 500� on a buffet to cater 60. it wasnt worth the ammount we paid,the food was ok but then over half the guests complained of stomach pains and upset stomachs. one of these where my 11 year old sister,who was crying in pain the next day!
we were then slagged of by the owners to our guests! yes very nice indeed.
a family members car was stolen from the front of the pub!
they sell cigerettes behind the bar and charge stupid prices for there drinks.
this pub is ok,if your over 50 and fancy a quiet drink,just dont get to friendly with the people behind the bar because there so 2 faced its unbelivable !
27 Nov 2009 15:00