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BITE user profile - chw

Profile information

Username: chw

Age: 43

Sex: ?

Latest comments by chw

The Crown Inn, Oxford

Refering to the last comment, I experienced something similar in that place. As I entered there with a group of Spainiards celebrating last week, after Spain had won the quarter-finals against Italy, another older guest started to insult the group, loudly demanding them to "shut the *uck up" and refering to their nationality calling upon them to leave "the english" pub.
This "Crown Inn" seems to host quite a number of retarded nationalist extremists as one can deduce from the last comment the man threw to us: "where the f*** Spainiards had been during the war!" ???
That in the center of Oxford!!!???

27 Jun 2008 17:50

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chw has been registered on this site since 27th June 2008