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BITE user profile - chiefthundercloud

Profile information

Username: chiefthundercloud

Age: 72

Sex: ?

Latest comments by chiefthundercloud

The Moon Under Water, Hounslow

Complete Dump
I was in there and Pete's,The managers' son started throwing chips at the customers.As he was not avaliable at the time I kindly asked his wife to control her children as this was unaceptable
She did not tsake kindly to this and I was banned.
Also his kid goes into the kitchen regualrly,which is a breach of health and saftley.
Beer is only good sometimes,food is crap compared to others.
I would NOT go in here if I was paid �1000000.
Complete dump,many bannned recently.
Ealing a lot better !!!!

26 Dec 2009 19:52

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chiefthundercloud has been registered on this site since 26th December 2009