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BITE user profile - cellarbuoy

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Username: cellarbuoy

Age: 68

Sex: ?

Latest comments by cellarbuoy

Brazz, Taunton

A strange set up to be sure. As soon as I sat on a stool by the bar a foreign waitress appeared on my side of the bar with some sort of hand held device and asked me if I wanted to order, I asked for a pint (Bath Ales) and she tapped this into the device.
A waited and waited until a foreign bar man (on the other side of the bar) asked me if I was being served. I told him the waitress had taken my order and the two of them discussed the matter between themselves.Eventually the barman poured the drink and handed it over. The waitress then asked me if I wanted to pay her or the barman. Since she was quite pretty I decided to pay her and gave her the money. She handed this to the barman who rang it into the till and gave the change to the waitress who was standing next to me, and she in turn gave it to me. 5 minutes for 2 staff to serve 1 pint of beer.
Well I suppose it provides employment for foreigners, and to be honest the place was empty so they had nothing else to do, but still, very strange indeed.
Oh the beer wasn''t too bad and a nice looking bar / restaurant.

18 Aug 2017 10:14

The Alma, Taunton

Closed and knocked down

2 Aug 2017 19:55

Lord Nelson, Cleeve

Greene King have completely ruined this once great pub, so they closed it down and sold it for redevelopment (i.e knocked down so a supermarket can be built there).
Is there any connection between Tout ltd (the developers) and greedy king? You bet there is

30 Jul 2017 21:07

See all comments by cellarbuoy

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cellarbuoy has been registered on this site since 6th January 2007