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BITE user profile - carlchrystan

Profile information

Known for singing 'Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs' on karaoke. Just about the pinnacle of my life.

Username: carlchrystan

Age: 51

Sex: male

Latest comments by carlchrystan

The Two Tubs Inn, Bury

Oh, the Two Tubs - you bane of my life. When I'm there on a Friday night, I know I should have gone home!

But the atmosphere is good. You have to watch yourself here and there on a Friday night, and it can be a bit of a Meat Market at times, but it's a popular place; everyone converges there from Yates's, Pics, Knowsley, White Lion, Wyldes, etc, etc.

It reignited my love for modern music. I don't really listen to the charts - I get very surprised when I hear something I know on the radio, and I like it. It's the Two Tubs that does that.

But it still plays the Old School; DJs seem to know what songs work and what doesn't.

7 Jun 2010 21:56

Pics Bar, Bury

Good singers on Sunday afternoon/evening. Has a good atmosphere from about 6.30pm; the crowd from 'The Old White Lion' move in there when their entertainment finishes. Really friendly staff (including the doormen - a rarity!)

7 Jun 2010 21:50

The White Lion, Bury

One of the best places in Bury. The only true pub left. Lively, safe and popular. Good music. Excellent atmosphere. Friendly staff. If you want to enjoy a drink and dance to something other than the charts - get there.

Excellent music Friday afternoon. Excellent karaoke Friday night. Great singers Saturday night and Sunday afternoon (get there at 5 - that's when it's at its best).

Hearty recommendations for the one place in the town centre that reminds you what a great pub used to be like.

7 Jun 2010 21:46

See all comments by carlchrystan

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carlchrystan has been registered on this site since 7th June 2010