BITE user profile - camdenbitchy
Profile information
Username: camdenbitchy
Age: 43
Sex: ?
Latest comments by camdenbitchy
I am looking forward to the NEW MANAGEMENT
This place is CLOSED and no surprise there.....this place was ruined by a bunch of eeedjiyaats who hang around Camden...
Fights every week.
People putting the windows in because they started to hate the place and the people that drank there.
Women being sexually attacked by men [NONCES]...inside the club and directly outside.
Women followed home after having their drinks spiked on a Saturday night.
People pooing on private residential property at the back of the club.
People having their drinks spilled by divs who do it purpose to start fights.
People being robbed.
People being glassed.
People being stabbed.
All the morons doing this were / are KNOWN for doing this but were allowed in every week.
The only people that were banned were women who wouldn't sleep with particular staff and were then thrown out for "being rude to staff".
The place became a PIT.
Good bye Oh Bar. Long live the new Oh Bar.
17 Feb 2009 00:44
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camdenbitchy has been registered on this site since 17th February 2009
Oh! Bar, Camden
The Camden Gazette states that the club was closed by police....thanks to useless drug dealers who don't know how to be discreet. Wastemen.
17 Feb 2009 00:46