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BITE user profile - bobblytoe

Profile information

Username: bobblytoe

Age: 54

Sex: ?

Latest comments by bobblytoe

The Hand and Flower, Ham

What a ridiculous name for a pub. I thought the days for ridiculous pub names was consigned to the nineties!............How wrong was I!!

21 Jun 2007 12:36

The Swan Hotel, Staines

This pub is probably my favourite pub in Staines.Before the refurbishment it was pretty untidy with the wallpaper in some parts of the pub actually peeling off the walls.The toilets were also a bit of a no go area.It's actually nice to see a pub updated in the proper last!!I've seen so many pubs that have been ruined after extensive refurbs (The Ostrich-Colnbrook, mentioning one).It looks like Fullers have again spent a lot of time & effort,not to mention money, doing the old place up!......Hoorah!!! As always (with Fullers) the Beers are superb and the food superior.I strongly urge people to visit this pub on a seriously cold Winters evening - good beer,good food,friendly staff and roaring fires! really can't beat it!!!

9 Nov 2006 15:59

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bobblytoe has been registered on this site since 30th October 2006