BITE user profile - big_roy_brunel
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Username: big_roy_brunel
Age: 40
Sex: ?
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big_roy_brunel has been registered on this site since 26th June 2006
The Waterwitch, Odiham
I would have to say i used to love this pub! I spent a lot of time down there, even though yes it was overpriced really, but i didnt mind that because the staff down there were always so friendly and it was generally just a very nice place to spend an afternoon and then into the evening.
The new mangement has ruined this pub, the prices have gone up even further! And i have never been so insulted in a pub, i will spare you the details but i dont go for an evening out and expect to be insulted!
I wont be returning there which is a real shame as it is my local but i will find somewhere else to take my business and i suggest you do the same!
26 Jun 2006 19:46